We stumble. We pick up. We stumble again, we put away again. Sometimes we stumble but do not even care. Before we know it, every day we stumble and pick up, again and again, parts of stories of love and wonderful imaginary trips.
In them, the power of fantasy and endless dreams lives scattered over the entire house. They come from any supermarket shelf or high street store and immediately become part of the everyday life of a child. Discovered by tearing the wrapping paper or simply when delivered in hand, they come to life. Some have been given a name, others have come with one. Some will be treated well, others less so. Dolls that will delight any child.
Together they will make a successful team by creating stories of love, friendship, monsters, pirates and happy marriages forever. Today’s adaptations of future experiences in a present under construction. There is no bedroom, living room, bathroom or kitchen that won’t receive these pieces of life.
No matter how many warnings parents make, in a gentle or loud voice way, how many songs are brought home from school it never seems to work, nothing will make them stay organised. But does it really matter? Nothing will make a house more beautiful than decorated with dolls and toys together with children, sharing the same rest, when the evening runs long and quiet.
These are suspended stories that will be resumed the morning after. As much as parents don’t want to – because the time and rush to get to work doesn´t allow it – it is impossible not to have them side by side while dressing, having breakfast or washing their teeth.
Some are lucky enough to be taken with them to school. Those who stay in the empty house until they return, wait religiously to see them come back. These days are very much the same, similar to a gif in constant loop – Days that will turn into nostalgia, that will soon fly away; in a time that made them play and imagine a different world, a world which will soon be their own…